Friday, January 18, 2008

Looking For Alaska Blog #1

The young adult fiction book that I am reading is called Looking For Alaska by John Green. I have read pages 1 to 40 so far.The main character of the novel is Miles. Miles goes to a pubic school and when the book starts he is getting ready to leave to a boarding school. As I continued reading I found out that Miles doesn't have any friends at his school. He spends most of his time reading biographies and learning famous peoples last words. I think that Miles wanted to leave so he could start new. I think that he wanted to go to a new school so he could make friends and where no one knows him as a loser.

When he started hanging out with his roommate Chip I could tell that Miles was starting to change.He bought cigarettes and tried smoking. His roommate smokes and drinks and plays pranks on people. I also find out that a lot of the people at the school don't like Chip, they also don't like Miles because he's friends with Chip.

I am very interested in reading and finding out what is going to happen to Miles. I think that Miles is going to become more like Chip. I think that he will start drinking and smoking jut so he can fit in with Chip and his friends. I also think that Miles will end of getting himself into trouble with Chip just so he can be his friend. I like reading this book so far and I am curious as to what will happen with Miles.

Jillian E.

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