Thursday, January 31, 2008


Freedom Songs by Yvette Moore
This book so far is about sheryl her young brother ronnie, older brother craig and father is taveling down south to see there mother. My impressions on this book is that her family are going through tough imes but they are mangeing there problem.Her parents are x slaves. When sherly travels to see hr mother that mean long freedom and good times but as keep taveling back in forth she starts to understand that there not so free they have to drink from a "blacks only" water fountain.This book makes me think of life differently and be happy for what i got causes back then blacks didnt have nothing but there family and sometime not even that.

By the way i have expained my impression what do you think of the book?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson pages 1-56

The book that I am reading is called Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. It is a young adult fiction book that actually has a movie made after it.The main character is a young girl named Melinda Sordino. Melinda had a lot of friends back in junior high one being her best friend, a girl named Rachel. But when they reach high school suddenly Melinda is left with nothing. She has no friends,hardly talks to anyone basically shes a social outcast. When the story starts out Melinda is getting ready to begin her freshman year at Merrywheather High School. She's taking a look around at everyone and their social clicks.
What really caught my attention was that after reading a few pages into the book I noticed that it's a little bit different from the movie.
In the book it says that she meets her new found friend Heather inside the auditorium, but in the movie she meets her on the bus. Also Melinda spends a lot of time at Heather's but again in the movie she's mainly at home. It's really interesting to see how many differences you can find in a book and the movie that was made from the book. You expect the movie to be exactly like the book but it just wouldn't be the same without adding a little more drama to the film.
At first I wasn't sure if I really wanted to read the book because i had seen the movie but now that i know that there are a lot of differences I'm eager to find out how Melinda tells people about what happened that summer night at the party,or if she'll tell anyone at all.

Looking For Alaska Blog #1

The young adult fiction book that I am reading is called Looking For Alaska by John Green. I have read pages 1 to 40 so far.The main character of the novel is Miles. Miles goes to a pubic school and when the book starts he is getting ready to leave to a boarding school. As I continued reading I found out that Miles doesn't have any friends at his school. He spends most of his time reading biographies and learning famous peoples last words. I think that Miles wanted to leave so he could start new. I think that he wanted to go to a new school so he could make friends and where no one knows him as a loser.

When he started hanging out with his roommate Chip I could tell that Miles was starting to change.He bought cigarettes and tried smoking. His roommate smokes and drinks and plays pranks on people. I also find out that a lot of the people at the school don't like Chip, they also don't like Miles because he's friends with Chip.

I am very interested in reading and finding out what is going to happen to Miles. I think that Miles is going to become more like Chip. I think that he will start drinking and smoking jut so he can fit in with Chip and his friends. I also think that Miles will end of getting himself into trouble with Chip just so he can be his friend. I like reading this book so far and I am curious as to what will happen with Miles.

Jillian E.

Monday, January 14, 2008

group response

Our group chose to study the young adult fiction genre. We choose this genre because we can all relate to this kind of book. Since we can relate to it we enjoy reading it.
I think that other people would also choose to read young adult fiction for similar reasons. I think that alot of young people can relate to all of the problems that the characters in the novels face.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Assessment - Indy Reading Project - December

Brittany - 2/5 Responses
Kid, we've got to do better.  One post.  74 words.  You've made it on my suspicious persons list.  Get to work.  

Heather - 5/5 Posts
Great job overall.  Your responses are developed and in some places insightful.   Try not to retell so much plot.  Choose one of the questions and develop that answer fully. 

A few questions.  In that last response, you said that the ending fulfilled your expectations.  What did you mean?  What did you need to happen?  Why?  Do you think you can view yourself as a prototypical reader of this type of book?  What does it say about you/human beings that this type of ending is satisfying?

Jillian - 5/5 Posts
Jillian, I'm glad you like Anderson.  She's great.  I have a couple other authors that I'd recommend, and I think you just chose that Looking for Alaska book.  Anyways, good responses.  They are developed and contain decent insight/analysis and comparisons.  Keep up the good work.

Megan - 5/5 Posts
That last post contains a cool comment that I think says a lot about young adult literature (and other literature sometimes (I enjoy reading books about the typical teenage life because sometimes they actually tell your life story without you having to say a word.)).  I might actually steal that.  Actually, I just added it to the sidebar, lol.  Good responses...very developed, but watch the plottiness.  I know two of the final responses were about the book surprising you, but try to focus on that more than retelling the parts of the story.  What did you expect?  Why did you expect it?

Ashley - 4/5 Posts
Lucky sounds like a good book Ashley.  I like that last response.  I like that you are anticipating what the character is going to have to go through.  How do you feel about the situation?  What does it say about our society?

Deniqua - 1/5 Posts